Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 5: Downhill Runs Are Great!

We have all heard of uphill runs to improve performance. But what about downhill runs? Well that's exactly what I am doing. Instead of the typical program, mine involves off-the-beaten track methods, and one of them is the downhill run.

I don't just fly down the hills, but instead control my speed to a constant heartbeat. This is actually harder than it sounds as the leg muscles has to work hard to go against gravity. Further, it also allows increased leg turnover. This I am hoping will gradually increase my speed on the flats through the increased number of muscle fibre my brain controls and  the increase energy output per muscle fibre.

Amazingly, though the training was easy, my legs did feel like they had a workout later in the day.

45 mins down hill run at heart rate of 135bpm

Lunch - Nothing (keen to maintain my ketone levels but didn't feel hungry at all)
Dinner - 3 pieces Crunchy Coconut Chicken Tenderloins and  a bowl of Sweet Pumpkin Salad
Desert - Coconut Ice Cream

2 cups of coffee with 2-3 tsp of double cream

Weight & Body Fat
26.4 % Body fat

Brain Training
Meditation for 15 minutes - twice during the day.

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