Monday, January 5, 2015

Day1: On the road

It was hard waking up this morning after being on holidays for 3 weeks. But I dragged myself out of bed at 5am. Needless to say, my brain was telling me to get myself back to bed and I had to muster all my will to get changed to my running gear. 

Fortunately for me the summer sun was already breaking through the horizon when I stepped out of the door. My goal is to train using the Maffetone method (a topic for another day) to maximise my fat metabolism. Post-run I was feeling energised, and in fact could have kept going.

For my diet, I have decided to adopt a ketogenic diet (i.e.low-carb/high-fat diet) to get my body keto-adopted. This will allow me to continue to metabolise fat in the long runs and reduce the likelihood of bonking. Further, there is growing evidence that a ketogenic diet helps lower blood glucose levels for a type 2 diabetic like myself, thus lowering the possibility of any diabetic complication in the future.

Walk (warm-up and cool down)  - 30 minutes
Run - 30 minutes

Breakfast - Karl's Energy Boosting Smoothie (I will provide he recipe soon!)
Lunch - Nothing ( I am trying to increase the ketones in my body)
Dinner - Beef patties (homemade) with cheese and 1/2 cup spinach leaves
Desert - Mouth Watering Coconut Ice-Cream (low carb!)

I also had a couple of cups of decaf coffee with cream (appox 2-3 teaspoons per cup)

Weight & Body Fat
87.7 kgs
26.7 % Body fat -- this is pretty high. I will need to lower this to around 12-15% to be light enough to run longer.

I am feeling pretty positive, and still feeling energetic. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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